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Sonnenuntergang in Frankfurt

Practice PsychotherapyAmMain
Manuel I. Huber-Seyten

Glad you found your way to my practice. I amManuel I. Huber-Seyten, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy. Together we canways to promote your well-being and enable positive change.


Overcome challenges together & achieve positive changes


In my practice in Frankfurt's Ostend, I offer sensitive support through proven therapeutic approaches such as behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and hypnosis. The goal is to find individual paths to positive change.

These therapy options are available to adults of all ages, regardless of gender or lifestyle. No matter what stage of life you are in, my support is designed to help you promote emotional well-being and personal development.

Online therapy

I also offer more flexibilityOnline therapy sessions so you can get support no matter your location.

Manuel I. Huber-Seyten alternative practitioner for psychotherapy

Heart and mind in balance

  Huber-Seyten practice

Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy

Hanauer Landstrasse 328-330

60314 Frankfurt am Main



Practice PsychotherapyAmMain Manuel Huber-Seyten alternative practitioner for psychotherapy Frankfurt

©2023 by Manuel I. Huber-Seyten, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy


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